Trailering your feature car to the reunion?

I would love to have a trailer for my car. Especially, to take it to the reunion next June. The only thing I worry about for that event is having to drive my car in the rain. My car has only been in the rain twice since I have owned it. Both times were unintentional as I failed to anticipate the storms. I would like to avoid that possibility and have been thinking about how I might trailer my car. There are only two problems: one, I don’t have a trailer and, two, even if I did, my ’99 Explorer doesn’t seem up to the task of pulling that load.

Coincidental to my thoughts on this, Joel recently sent me this picture from the last time he moved. He trailed his white feature car to his new home.

Mush Mule

I’m really jealous of that setup. Joel said that the major drawback of the open trailer is the amount of dirt that ends up on the car. I believe it. In the winter, the rear of my Explorer ends up really dirty. It must be the way that the air flows over the top of the vehicle.

Joel told me that the trailer was loaned to him by a company he does business with; H & H Trailer. He really had high praise for the trailer he used (a model that tilted to load the car) so I looked them up. To my surprise, their home page has a yellow feature car on it!

H&H Trailer Home Page

Furthermore, as an example car for their TL16 trailer they use the yellow feature car in a bunch of pictures on the page. There must be a feature car lover at H & H!

H&H Trailer TL16

Very cool. Now, if I only could find someone to loan ME a trailer

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