Hello, I'm new here!!

Hello everyone.
I am new to this site. I have owned several fox mustangs in the last 20 yrs, and always wanted a feature car. Last year I finally purchased my 1st convertible.
My car is an auto '92 LX 5.0 convertible in emerald green.
I first noticed the car 10 yrs ago, when the owner was out shopping. I thought It was a '90 7up car, but it turns out that it's actually a '92. The only difference is the body painted mouldings & 5 star rims.
Although I set out to get a feature car, I found this one, and I wonder if anyone else out there has seen many '92 convertibles which could pass for a '90 7up.
It's all original and I plan to use it mainly for summer cruizing & shows.
I hope that I can be part of this forum, even though I don't have a feature car!!



  • Welcome! I always liked Emerald Green. Sounds like a great car. What color is the interior?

    I hope you will find value in this forum. I think that you will find the people who participate here very friendly. Many have owned and/or still own other fox body Mustangs. We don't discriminate!
  • Welcome Dan! Great group of people here. Enjoy your new mustang!
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