Beginning on 3/7/2010 posting will require an activated acount - please activate now
As part of the continuing effort to make these forums more secure, I am going to turn on the feature that requires accounts to be activated in order to post. I plan on doing so on Sunday March 7, 2010.
Basically, activation makes sure everyone who posts has a valid email address as an email is sent to the registered email account as part of the activation process and must be responded to.
Many of you have already activated. But, if you have not activated now is a good time to do so. You can activate by going to 'My Profile' which can be found in the upper right of the page. If you have not activated, you will see a link to do so. If you do not see the link then you have already activated.

If you do not activate before 3/7/2010 and you find that you would like to post after that date you will be able to activate on that or any later date.
Thanks for your understanding.
UPDATE 03/07/2010 - I am now forcing all members to be activated in order to login. Since some had problems with activation due to what I think was spam filtering of the activation message I have automatically activated every existing member of the forums. This should be fine because the point is to protect us going forward.
Basically, activation makes sure everyone who posts has a valid email address as an email is sent to the registered email account as part of the activation process and must be responded to.
Many of you have already activated. But, if you have not activated now is a good time to do so. You can activate by going to 'My Profile' which can be found in the upper right of the page. If you have not activated, you will see a link to do so. If you do not see the link then you have already activated.

If you do not activate before 3/7/2010 and you find that you would like to post after that date you will be able to activate on that or any later date.
Thanks for your understanding.
UPDATE 03/07/2010 - I am now forcing all members to be activated in order to login. Since some had problems with activation due to what I think was spam filtering of the activation message I have automatically activated every existing member of the forums. This should be fine because the point is to protect us going forward.
My account was listed as "Not Activated" yesterday so I selected "activate my account". It changed to pending. My email address on file is correct, but I did not receive an "activation" email. I checked my inbox and "junk mail" folders - still not there after abt 24 hours.
If you need more info let me know.
Activations will come from forums _ @ _ triple white fox _ dot _ com. No dashes or spaces. Try to add that to your address book/contact list and try again. I just changed your status back to Not Activated.
Also, thanks to those who have successfully done it. 5 new activations since I posted this.
I added you to my address book. I activated the account (again) but i did not get the email. I checked my spam and junk email folders - but it was not there.
Could you send me a personal email using my address on file to see if my email account is correct in your system? If I receive the message I will reply so you know I received it. -
Only your second email came through. I did respond to it as requested.
Take care,