Got my Triple White Mustang registry info today.

edited May 2010 in Feature Mustangs
My Triple White Mustang was built on May 19th 1993 and was #3 of 11 built on that day

My car is #1058

Currently it has just over 30k miles.


  • Are you going to celebrate its bday?

    I do LOL

    Last year I put a party hat on her and took her picture.
  • Mine is March 10 but I didn't realize it this year and it passed without me recognizing it. My car is usually not back on the road from its winter break at that time so it is easy to forget.

    Also, today I received an email pointing out that the page which contains the email address for Terry from which you can get this information was missing. It was a casualty of the site upgrade last month. I have fixed the page:
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