New Fox Mustang magazine

You have all no doubt seen this but I thought I'd share it just the same.



  • Put my order in today !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Finally subscribed. I hope it is good.
  • I just received an email from Fox Mustang Magazine today about subscription referrals.
    There is a lot of excitement out there about Fox Mustang Magazine. We want to help turn that excitement into free stuff for our subscribers.
    Here's how it works...
    - When you refer 1 Fox friend, you receive a 8 1/2 x 11 cover of
    Fox Mustang Magazine signed by the editor, Tom Shaw
    (this is not an entire issue, only the cover, but still cool.)
    - When you refer 3 Fox Friends, you receive a free Fox
    Mustang Magazine T-Shirt
    - If you are really good, and you refer 10 Fox Friends, you
    receive a $100 Gift Certificate from Latemodel Restoration

    A Few Rules:
    1. There is a comment box on our subscription page. Have your friend put your
    name in the comment box to get credit for referring that friend.
    2. When you have referred a friend, email me at <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e -->
    to let me know. I'll check for your name in the comment box of that
    person's subscription. Same thing with 3 and 10 referrals. I need the name
    of the referred friend and your tshirt size
    3. You can only win one of each prize. (Example: If you refer 2 friends, you do not
    recieve 2 signed covers. You receive 1 signed cover and are 1 away from the
    free tshirt. Likewise, 20 referrals doesn't win you 2 covers, 2 tshirts and 2 gift Certs.)
    4. Deadline is Oct. 31st. So go out there and do our dirty work for us!
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