They Photo Shopped my car Orange.

Check this out against my profile pic. Shopping new tops and stubbled across this. They didn't bother to photoshop a new top because that is my old one, I can tell by the back window repair. LOL. ... Y2sl2-1Ykg


  • haha that's funny, guess they didnt like yellow either
  • I'm sure they would take it down if you complained.
  • Here's the original link, I have contacted them, once by their contact link and once through their tech support. It's still on there but it's only been a couple days. ... indow.html
  • Funny, I saw an ad for a 7-Up convertible for sale on Craigslist and they took Steve's picture of his 7-Up convertible and used it in their ad. When I e-mailed them and asked if they were selling Steve's car they said they hadn't gotten pictures taken of their car yet so they used the picture from his 7-Up Registry page.
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