Identifier Code Details
World Manufacturer Identifier (1-3) 1FA Ford, USA, passenger car
Restraint System Type (4) F Active safety belts ? all positions, second generation air bags.
Vehicle Type (5) P Passenger Car ? Ford North American Vehicles
Line, series, body type (6-7) 42 Mustang (2-door convertible, Base)
Engine type (8) X 4.6L, EFI (SOHC), eight cylinder
Check digit (9) 0 is valid (see below)
Vehicle Model Year (10) X 1999
Assembly Plant (11) F Dearborn, Michigan (USA)
Production Sequence Number (12-17) 102368 Note: consecutive unit numbering began at 100001

VIN Check Digit is calculated by applying a formula to the other 16 digits of the VIN. If the calculated value and the value you have entered do not match then there is a mistake in the VIN (or the calculation). However, a match does not prove the VIN is correct, because there is still a 1 in 11 chance of any two distinct VINs having a matching check digit. See here for more information on VINs and their check digits.