1987 – 1993 Mustang Parts List

In my quest to find out ever more about feature car part numbers I acquired, through ebay, a parts list for 87-93 Mustangs. I wasn’t sure exactly the content of what I was buying as it was simply listed as a “parts list with prices” but the price was right. It turned out to be pages (originals, not copies) from some sort of repair manual. It looks like the type of information that a body shop would use as it contains part numbers, costs and labor times for replacement and refinishing. I am not sure if the book it comes from is a Ford specific publication or if it covers all makes and models.

Part List Page 113
Parts List Zoomed

The pages I have total 15 are only for the Mustang. It seems that the guy selling these has many of these books that he breaks up and sells for specific model/year combinations. This sounds like a pretty profitable endeavor to me. The list does cover the 1993 Cobra parts but does not have any specifics on the feature car parts. Not all is lost, though. I think I can use information from it along with the part numbers I do know to extrapolate the numbers I don’t know. This is because, in many cases, part numbers for the feature cars are predictable variations of the comparable non-feature car part. I will do updates to the FAQ section as I work through it.

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