Introduction to Ford Mustang Data Decoding

As of this update (May 2024), Ford Mustang Data Decoding is still a project that is in progress. The current goal is to create a database of all mustang VIN and Vehicle Certification Label codes used from the model year 1987 to present.

Obviously, this is a major undertaking that has involved pulling information from many sources. These sources include books and magazines as well as Ford Service publications. Unfortunately, no one of these sources is 100% correct. And, there are often discrepancies and conflicts. Much of the work has been in gathering the information but an equal amount of effort has been applied to testing the database of codes against real world examples. Still, errors, gaps and uncertainties remain.

Reporting errors and codes not found

Your help is welcome and will be required to make this project a success. If you spot any error or find you have a code that is not listed please contact me. If you could include a picture of your VCL that would be great but it is not required. I will not post a copy of it. If you have an unusual instance I might want to include it with my examples but will only do so with your permission.

1987-2006 Mustang VIN Decoder

1990 VIN and VCL decoding with examples

1991 VIN and VCL decoding

1992 VIN and VCL decoding with examples

1993 VIN and VCL decoding with examples

1996 VIN and VCL decoding with examples

1997 VIN and VCL decoding with examples

1998 VIN and VCL decoding with examples

1999 VIN and VCL decoding with examples