Some t-shirts are now back on Cafepress

I’m getting back on the horse, so to speak. As discussed in the forums, it seems OK to proceed with my efforts to offer feature car related items. I thought about leaving Cafepress behind but I think they are still one of the best options in the print-on-demand space. So, I’m sticking with them. I already have a few items out there based upon what was most popular last time around. The shirt has my original three feature car design on the front and nothing on the back. I toned down the gray background by a factor of 50% in order to add more contrast between the cars and background.
Shirts offered on
I went through my whole Cafepress site and stripped out all of the Ford trademarks I could find. My items do not use them but I also wanted to make sure that my descriptions and tags did not as well.

Overall, my approach is going to be slightly different this time around. There won’t be as many shirt options (colors, fits) as well as not as many items based upon the same design. I hope to branch out to some different types of items.

So, as usual, stay tuned. Things are happening slowly but surely. In the mean time be sure to check out the shop.


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