1992 Feature Car Magazine Article Update

I get a lot of great stuff from you readers in my inbox; pictures, scans and tidbits of information. I really try to get to it all but sometimes things fall through the cracks. One such thing is an overdue update to the index of 1992 Feature car related magazine articles.

If you’ve checked it out you know that I try to track articles on the 1992 feature cars on my “Literature” page. I also have a corresponding page for 1993. You can link directly to it to see the result of this update but here is a summary to make it easier to sort through:

One thing that stands out from these articles (and I have probably mentioned and/or discussed this before) is the perceived appeal to the ladies of our beloved feature cars. Not that there is anything wrong with that. In fact, I think it is a good thing. The opposite would not be as nice. I have a friend whose late father owned a 1963 Corvette. He told her that nothing attracted the attention of older men like a 1963 Corvette. Obviously, interested in the car but men nonetheless.

Mustang Illustrated seems to have pushed the feminine angle pretty hard through both indirect and direct references. It’s humorous to read through it today. In case you don’t want to link over and sort through the articles, I’ll leave you with this little gem:

Mustang Illustrated Sep 1998 text

Oh yeah, for extra credit and fun, count the errors in the paragraph. Not big on editing and fact checking that Mustangs Illustrated.

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