Save on Carlisle 2011 Registration
Posted On December 13, 2010
Believe it or not, it is not too early to start thinking about Carlisle Ford Nationals in June 2011. I received an email recently from them that they are having a sale staring on Friday, December 17.

In a separate email from them they had a little detail on club arrangements –
Club Tent forms will be available in January. Due to limited space on the Showfield – returning clubs will have renewal rights on Club Tents before we can offer space to new clubs next year.
It makes me feel good that they are expecting good demand for space. Register early and select which is listed under club affiliation. As in past years, I will have more information coming to the site in the near future.
Wow Carlisle already. I need to check the 2011 calendar to see if we can plan on attending. Long drive but a great time.
Chet, I hope you can fit it in your schedule. With the cars just away for the winter it’s something to look forward to.