Category: Running

Still running (and staying healthy)

I had a really busy summer due to some personal commitments.  I skipped the fall marathon that I have run for a couple years now because I didn’t have the time required to train. With things slowing down and the weather changing I am back to regular running. I...

Running in the snow

The storm of last weekend didn’t have a large impact here but still left 5 or 6 inches behind. In early December, I came upon an article on a method to get better traction in the snow with running shoes. The article is called The Screw Shoe and is...

Completed: my second marathon

Two days ago I ran my second marathon. I completed it in 4:15:33 which is a PR (personal record) as it was better than last years 4:21:12. I got out to a great start finishing the first 1/2 in 2:01 which was well on pace to finish in 4:05,...

Running again

Last year at almost this exact time I posted about my efforts to train for a fall marathon. Well, I have been at it again this year. So far, so good. I’m in week 13 of an 18 week preparation program and feeling pretty good. I’ve had some small...

Running 26.2

My marathon was today. I finished! All 26.2 miles. Being my first marathon, finishing was my main goal. My secondary goal was to finish in under 4 hours 30 minutes. This was a softer goal but given the pace at which I had been running my longer runs that...

Running green

So, by definition, running is green, right? Well, not when you always drive to the place where you run. Add to that the fact that the extra distance I drive effectively doubles my daily commute. Not green. My problem has been that the usual routes from my house to...

Running gear

Training for my first marathon continues. So far, so good. I did 21 miles last Saturday and am now in the final “taper” period where mileage decreases for the next three weeks before the big event. Now with a 20+ mile run under by belt I feel that I...

Running long

I’m pretty passionate about the things I do. I don’t like to start something and not finish it. Or, more precisely, I don’t like to tell others about something I am doing and then not finish it. I’ve probably discussed a few of those here such as my quest...