A new Pony in the herd!

edited September 2007 in Feature Mustangs
Hello all. I just bought a 1993 3d generation Mustang, however, it is not a feature car....just a red convertible that will be my daughter's on Christmas day. 23K actual miles and garage kept.....it's a beauty to be sure and has the original factory Good Years! This forum seemed like a friend bunch of Mustang owners and the moderator helped me while I was shopping. This car is a GT with an automatic and very minty. I hope you all don't mind the renegade! Regards, Rick.


  • Very nice! Back in 93 I almost bought the exact same car, color combo and all......Looking back, wish I had bought it!!
  • What a christmas gift. Best of luck and enjoy it while you can.
  • the moderator helped me while I was shopping.

    You're too kind. I didn't think I helped that much. You emailed while I was out of town on vacation so I was only checking email very casually.

    I'm glad you decided to join us here. We are a friendly bunch and I don't think anyone will mind that it's not a feature car. I think we all agree that we love Mustangs; especially fox body convertibles. And,
    it is a great looking car. I hope you get a chance to enjoy it before you turn it over to her.
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