Go to the local Shell Gas stations
I sent John a copy but I just wanted to let yall know that last week I picked up a magazine at the Shell Gas station and there is a big article about the top 10 rarest Foxes.. All cars are mentioned... Get it while it lasts!
I'll keep an eye out for it, but I've never seen anything like that one in Canada.
Hate to say it but I think his list is a little "sku'ed" from his purchase! The good news is he really talks up the 5 spd so I hope it drives up the value of mine! (wishfull thinking!!)
Regardless I had the feature out this weekend, 75 degree weather here in NJ and it was SWEET! Parked at a local grocery store and left the top down. Came out and a couple was walking around the car. Spent a few minutes talking about the car, it was fun!