New Member...
Hi all. I just joined last night because I expect to take delivery of my '93 Yellow Feature Car (#958) this week. The car has 44K miles on it and is one of the 452 Mustangs built with the 5-speed. This past February, I sold my '83 GT that had 30K miles and t-tops and actually started out looking for a 1st generation Mustang before realizing that getting one in decent condition was beyond my means. Then, I happened to see a yellow '93 in Massachusetts and fell in love with it. I hope to post from time to time and appreciate your tolerance with what may be dumb questions to the more experienced members...
What part of the US do you live in?
Was the car originally a northern car?
Anyway nice car and welcome again!
104 degrees? I'd never put the top down if it was that hot around here!
Thanks for the welcome...
Wait till you feel what 104 degrees and black leather does to the backs of your legs when wearing shorts.
I cant even drive them because im 16 and insurance rules are you must be over 21...Waaaahhh