fireworx-10 help

edited December 2009 in FireworX-10
I have 6 units on house code A that I want to control all at the same time. ie: all on at 4:00 PM and all off at 10:00 PM. My problem is only the 1st unit will turn on or off. Nothing happens to the rest of the units. I even tried spacing the timing by 5 seconds between each unit. Does anyone have any idea what's wrong?


  • Do they all turn of/off through the manual control?

    It should work even with the same time set for each event. But, how about a little longer spacing in the timing.

    Does the log indicate that they have been turned on/off?
  • All units can be turned on/off via individual manual control. The log indicates that all units turned on/off at the proper time. I changed spacing to 10 seconds between each command with the same results.
  • Here's a quick update....if I use the "*" in the unit number, all the units on that house code will turn on. For some reason, when a list of units is provided, it never gets past the 1st unit.
  • Hey, thanks for the followup. It's been a while since I worked with it but I think that the main reason for adding the "*" for ALL ON was to get around such issues. Timing of sending the codes was one of the tricky parts.
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