Cost to repaint her?

edited October 2005 in Feature Mustangs
I've noticed that there are a few people who have restored these beauties so I was curious as to the cost of having the car repainted? For a temporary fix, I was thinking about getting a cheap job done at maaco then getting a higher quality job done later down the road. I just can't stand the look of all the clearcoat chipping away and I don't even like going to a mustang get together because of the lack of care I have given her. :(


  • Forget the Macco paint job. You should be able to find a good shop in your area who would treat you fairly, also see if they would give you a break if you did some of the disassembly work yourself. Some will but others like to do the complete job themselves. If your car body wise is in good shape and does not need much rust repair or the like ie: door dings you should be looking at a price between $3500.00 and up. You might save some money though if you can do some of the work yourself. Good luck!!!!!
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