WTB Feature in or near NJ (northeast area, tri-state), have cash!!

Looking for a 5sp feature for up to $8k(if nicely modded), have cash-in-hand ready.

Want either triple white, yellow/black, or vibrant red. Mods are a plus, must be reliable and solid enough to drive daily. My e-mail is <!-- e --><a href="mailto:venomsvtcobra@aol.com">venomsvtcobra@aol.com</a><!-- e -->, cell is 848-250-3006.

Can't stress it enough, I'm not the typical tire kicking forum troll, not only do I have the money, I'm ready and willing to spend it, so if you're tired of BS artists give me a call. I promise your car will be going to a good home...as I'm sure Ken who currently owns my old vibrant red will attest to. :D


  • This is the only '92 I've seen lately in that range--not really in your geographic zip code though

  • I will vouch for Nighthawk....I am the owner of his, I mean, my Feature. I bought it off him and he is a up front guy. The car as you all know if excellent.

    I am looking around for you too, but that car in Altanta looks pretty nice. I am in Atlanta from time to time but at that asking price I dont see it lasting long. If I do head down there I will stop by and check it out if you want.

  • Thanks for the help guys, I appreciate it!

    I think I have to edit my interest though. I think I want a yellow/black more than anything else, next would be triple white.

    As much as I love the vibrant red I just cant do another one unless it was my old car...just wouldn't be the same. :(

    And change the price range too. Technically speaking I can spend up to $8k, which is EVERYTHING I have. I'll gladly do that, but only for a really nicely modded car. I saw a yellow/black with a blower and bolt-ons that was mint for $8500 obo. If it wasn't gone it'd probably be in my driveway.
  • Damnit, of course after I find something else they pop up like weeds!! Those are 2 sick deals!!

    Chalk me up as having already bought something. I had 3 or 4 types of cars I was looking for, wound up buying an 04 GTO in my price range. It was up for $12k and I took a shot in the dark expecting a "HELL NO!! ARE YOU CRAZY?!" but the owner said yes, so we made a deal.

    Thanks again for the help though!! This is one of the few forums where people actually seem to look out for one another. That's a rarity in the online community.
  • I don't why the one in Raleigh has not been snapped up yet? My daily driver was totalled a few months ago and i really considered this one but found something more practical for every day.
  • I love those GTO's, I don't think you'll be disappointed in the slightest.
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