What do we do about frauds?

edited July 2010 in Feature Mustangs
It seems that everyone with a white 93 vert on Craigs List thinks they have a triple white. I found a guy with a White GT with white int and a black top that insists that his car is rare. Obviously either misinformed or just a fraud trying to rip off the next guy. He claims the previous owner changed the top and wheels because he did not know what he had. When pressed for the buck tag or a pic of the dash, no resp. Obviously a fraud.

Unfortunately some sucker is going to fall for it. I've found at least 3 white on white on white cars that were not feature cars but the owners are convinced they have something rare.


  • This is why Ford never called a Feature Car "triple white." This website coined the term, not Ford. Many cars, from old-school VW Beetle verts to 60's era Goats, used the terms triple white or triple black. It is by no means exclusive to our beloved Mustang model. The seller is in his right to call his car triple white, as it was originally, without being misleading. If he called it a Feature Car, it would be another story.
  • The seller referd to his white GT vert as 'rare, triple-white Mustang, one of only 1,500 produced'

    OK, he can call it a triple white if he wants, nothing wrong there; but calling it 'rare' and 'one of only 1,500' is FRAUD.

    In an email reply from the seller her reported that the VIN on the car proves it's rare status and we all know that's BS.

    I know there is not anything we can do it just aggravates me that folks will try to use feature car rarity so sell fairly ordinary cars.

    Look at the add and it's obvious that the seller is either very misinformed or trying to pull a fast one.

  • Good topic. I get these situations pointed out to me occasionally.

    I really hope people research their purchases. Google returns this site as the first entry on a search for "triple white mustang". But, some people do not go that far.

    The ironic part is that many combinations are more rare than a triple white feature LX. A triple white GT is one such combo. Triple black in either LX or GT trim, as well. In a way, this guy is shortchanging himself because it is probably one of only a couple hundred cars like it. I think the misleading part comes in when people use "1,500", limited, special, summer, edition or feature wording.

    In such situations, the best thing to do (as was done here) might be to email the seller and politely inform them that they are mistaken about the car. It sounds like that was tried in this case but didn't help but in some cases it might be an honest mistake.
  • Interesting topic on the triple white & triple black cars that are not features. Agree they are extremely rare. About 6 months ago there was a 5 spd triple black 93 LX on Houston craigslist. I believe the ad mentioned it was one of 200.
  • When cross referencing car colors in relation to options, there are many "low" production cars. Low numbers do not always equal greater desirability, though. What was not popular then, likely will not be popular now. There are some exceptions to the rule, but it seems to hold true.
  • Here's another one:


    Options list includes "White Feature Car Option"

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