Hero card

edited January 2011 in Feature Mustangs
Getting ready for the first show season with my Triple White. This is the hero card I put together. It's meant to print 20x30 @72dpi. The blank space in the middle is there so I can change out 5x7 pics depending on the event. What do you think?
hero.gif 204.6K


  • I like it--How did you design it?
  • I used an open source program called GIMP.
  • Nice job! I also use GIMP for my graphics work. Works great and you can't beat the price. It is a real great Photoshop alternative.

    Thanks for the inclusion of the sticker/logo for TripleWhiteFox.com. You must have grabbed it from the forum post. I can provide a version more in agreement with your print requirements if you would like. email me if you are interested.
  • Looks Great ! I downloaded GIMP , and am still scratching my head !
  • I agree about it being confusing. It is really a set of low level functions that you have to put together to make it do something useful. I use Google to search for tutorials on how to do something I think should be easily possible. For example, when doing my club sticker I needed to find out how to get text to follow an arc. It is a muti-step (read: many step) process that took me the better part of a night to perfect.

    There is another spinoff of GIMP called GIMPShop which modifies the interface to be more like Photoshop. That is, if you are comfortable with Photoshop.
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