Art prints of Ford promo material

edited February 2011 in Feature Mustangs
This is a pretty kewl site. Ford has released archives of their promotional photos and you can buy framed art prints. So far they do not have any feature car images in the gallery but they say more are coming. There is also a form to request particular images. Maybe if enough of us request feature cars be added.....


  • I just got a call from Warren Cron at He was looking form some more specific info on the feature cars so I directed him to this site. He is going to see what he can find in the archives and try to put some feature car artwork up on fordimages.

    He said they can't reproduce the original brochures but he may be able to put the artwork and specs together in a cool print.
  • That would be great!!
  • Thanks Bill---"You did Good "
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