Mustangs Unlimited (CT) June 11, 2006

edited April 2006 in Feature Events
Even though MCCNE has not officially announced it yet, it looks like the first show at MU is June 11, 2006. I think this will be my first show of the season. Does anyone in the area plan on attending? It would be great to have a few feature cars there. Maybe we could meet somewhere in the area on the way in and get there together.

And, more generally, would anyone in the CT/MA area like to get together during the "season." It could be to attend a car show, just hang out or go for a drive. Any ideas are welcome.


  • John,

    Would like to plan on attending the June show. You have my email address so let me know what you would like to do.

    As for the season, I am always looking for a reason to go for a drive. As your post implies, the more the merrier. As a general comment, I have never seen more than 4 features together (while at the Charlotte NC auto fair four 1993’s got together for a drive – two white and two yellow). So the thought of having several 92’s and 93’s together sounds appealing. Count me in weather permitting. -

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