2007 - the 15th anniversary of the 1992 feature car

edited August 2006 in Feature Events
Next year is the 15th anniversary of the 1992 feature car. Wow!

It would be great to recognize it with some sort of gathering. First question: do you think it is too early to start thinking about it? My thinking is that a regional or national gathering could be fairly complex to coordinate so starting to think now about something in 2007 seems appropriate. Although, I don't know how far in advance regional or national events are generally planned. Probably, 1 year minimum.

Also, I think having it in conjunction with or part of some other Mustang event that is happening in 2007 could make it more successful.

Anyone have any thoughts?



  • John, good idea, the BOSS guys had a BOSS nationals last year which was planned out 2 years prior and held at Carlise All Ford Nationals. It was a good tie in, they started planning a 2008 BOSS nationals within days of the last one and it will be in California (left coast vs. right coast) and tied in with the SAAC-33 convention.
    I'm willing to help you any way I can.

  • Hi Kim,

    Thanks for the post. I would like to start planning something but I haven't had any idea of where to start. I had thought about contacting MCA to see if we could do something with them. But, I like the idea of Carlisle, too. Do you have any thoughts on other events that might be good to try to get together with?

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