Carlisle 2011

I had a great time at Carlisle over the weekend. It was nice seeing everyone again.

I want to thank John for all he does with this site. Also all he does with the planning of Carlisle every year.

Thank you John and have a great summer!


  • Thanks, Mike. It is my pleasure to bring it together. But, it wouldn't be fun without the people, like you, who attend. When I first put one of these together in 2007 I called it a "reunion" with just the cars in mind. Over the time I have been doing this I have made some great friends and it has become to me more of a reunion of great people that I enjoy to see every year. This year, some of my favorite and most memorable experiences occurred off the show field.

    I've been working on my annual wrap-up of the show and going through my pictures to share the best. Stay tuned over the next few days.
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