Red on ebay w/ title issues

edited February 2012 in For sale/wanted
What do you guys think about buying a car with title issues. This one sounds fishy. If I was local I'd prob go check it out but w/ shipping and no title. I don't think so.

Someone might get a good deal ... &viewitem=


  • What a price!

    Do some research on California's title laws, it may be worth the time.

    If you were to buy the car and get it to your state and then contact the State of California, since the car has left California who knows what they might do? The correct colored exterior and interior parts and white Ponys alone, like my yellow parts car's parts to me, are worth the possibility of getting the car for around $1,500.00, yes?
  • Here is his Craigslist ad .... ... and he is asking $2K if you want it before e-Bay ends the auction.
  • Hmmm, "ended by the seller b/c the item was sold" with just a few minutes before the end of the auction. The fishy smell continues.
  • Somebody got themselves a great donor car at a fair price, regardless of how it was sold. I had considered a "creative finance" to get it here for a lot of those "California mild climate" parts.

    I do believe I've found an inexpensive 2nd Triple-White now too.

    One more Triple-White and one more '92 Summer Edition and I'll have two of each Limited Edition Fox convertible!
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