Easy come, easy go

I usually make a point of not mentioning active ebay auctions for feature cars and parts. This is because I am sometimes one of the bidders and don’t want to drive up interest and thus the ultimate final sell price. It is also because I don’t want my opinions...

Keeping the old Compaq Aero running as a lighting controller

A few days after I setup my home automation/lighting controller (FireworX-10 running on a Compaq Aero 4/33c) and wrote the first entry on my setup, the hard drive on the Aero experienced problems. I figured I would write an entry here about it even though it is on some...

I think I found a better insurance option

Quite a while ago I commented on my search for better insurance options for my feature car in order to solve the issues of using a conventional auto policy that would pay based upon book value when that is likely much less than what feature cars with low mileage...

Old Flash Movie From Home Page

This is the flash movie I long had running on the Mustang home page on this site. It was by far the single biggest consumer of bandwidth on here. To improve everyone’s experience, I moved it to this page. Everyone has seen it by now so there’s no need...

Get started developing with some free software from Microsoft

I have delayed continuing to work on FireworX-10 mainly becuase I have lost interest in the platform I originally built it on. I originally built it in Visual Basic 4 and later moved to Visual Basic 5 becuase those were the versions I had available at the time. What...

Got a mid-winter Mustang “fix” with a rental

I just got back from Florida where I had the opportunity to rent and drive a 2006 Mustang. It was nice to get behind the wheel of a Mustang during the usual time of year when I don’t get to drive anything fun. Well, alright, 4wd in the snow...

My current home automation setup

My home automation setup has evolved since I started about 5 years. It did not happen overnight. At the beginning, I had a vision of what it could become and I am now feeling that I am close to achieving that vision. My vision was centralization. Instead of having...

Looking forward: A “Mustanger” in the making

Last year, I wrote an entry titled “Looking back” in which I talked about my first Mustang. Now it’s time to write the companion entry. I’m pretty paranoid about protecting the interior of my car from further wear. Conflicting with that is a growing desire to share the Mustang...

Forthcoming updates to the site

I have occasionally commented/complained that updating parts of this site are manually intensive. The major piece to that is the “Where are they now” section. Also, as that section grows, it gets more unwieldy to use and in the size of the page itself. It is approaching 1/2 Mbyte...