Where is everyone?

I'm really serious about arranging a meet for 1992 and 1993 feature Mustangs in 2007. The biggest question, of course, is where to have it. The reality is that there is no single location that will allow everyone to come. We all want to get together but there is a limit on how far we will drive our cars to get to something. I know that is definitely true for me. Carlisle was mentioned in the forums as well as that some clubs that are national in scope alternate between the east and west coasts for their gatherings.

To start the process, I decided to get a visual of where the registrants to this site are located. The result is two maps; one for 1992 cars and one for 1993 cars. It's a cool view of where the feature cars I know about are located that I want to share.

1993 feature Mustang locations
1992 feature Mustang locations

After looking at this information, it seems like Carlisle is worth considering. Geographically speaking, nearly 1/2 of the cars registered on this site are within 750 miles of it. Personally speaking, I wouldn't drive any farther than that so I wouldn't except others to.

The second task I am also currently addressing is to assemble a list of email addresses that I can use to get the word out. I have several sources such as the registry, forums and emails. I am working on the time intensive task of pulling together all of the addresses I have, removing those of people who I know no longer have a car and/or provided invalid email addresses and trying to remove duplicates in order to get the best list possible. Stay tuned.


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