Adventures in ordering Mustang parts

Over the last couple weeks I have been trying to clean up the old Mustang and in the process I decided that it was better to replace some items than to clean them (some items don’t clean very well). Also, I needed the correct boot for my car. When I bought the car, it had a black one but we know that white is correct. For replacements, I decided that my hood insulation and air deflector were past the point of no return. It was time to order some parts but I have a deadline, you know.

air deflector

My first step was to order the boot as it was the only part that I did not have so it seemed most critical. With weeks before my deadline, I placed my order with John’s Mustang. A full week went by with no word on whether it shipped or not. I called. It was on back order and the guy was surprised that no one had called me. I should have known as this is not the first time I have experienced delays when ordering from them. I canceled the order. I don’t recommend John’s Mustang.

For the other parts I decided to go local and that meant Mustangs Unlimited. They didn’t have the hood insulation there but had it at their other location and said they could ship it to me and it would take less than a week. They also didn’t have the air deflector but could ship that as well.

A couple days ago the hood insulation came. Luckily, I opened the box instead of putting it aside for the time I would install it. I found that it was ripped so I had to go back to MU to return it. Somehow, they found one in stock that was perhaps there all of the time. It’s not perfect but it will have to do.

The day after the hood insulation came the air deflector showed up. I opened the box to find it was the wrong one. Even though the box listed 79-93 it was clearly for 94-04. Back to MU to complain. This time I was not so lucky. They said they would have to order one. I got a credit. Yesterday, I made progress at a local Ford dealer. If things go as they say, it will be in on Wednesday the day I need to be done with the car.

Five trips to Mustang Unlimited in all including one to get the previously mentioned boot in white. Nothing ever seems easy. And, with gas being the way it is, this is getting expensive.

I am a firm believer that things even out, eventually. And, that may have started. I am going to try Zaino to polish my car. They recommend using high quality 100% cotton towels from a bath place. I went to Bed, Bath & Beyond to look for some. It turns out that a towel that is their second best was on clearance for 40% off. On top of that, they had the display versions for half price before the 40% off. So I picked up 4 $15 towels for $5 each. Not bad. It offsets the extra gas I burned going back and forth to MU and then some.

Now, if there just was some way to get the time back.


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