Road ready

The winter was long and hard on the old triple white fox. At some point late last fall or over the winter I noticed a spot of fluid under the right rear tire. I thought nothing of it. Perhaps, I thought, it was just a residual spill from an earlier jug of motor oil that I had in the garage which sprung a leak. With that cleaned up and the car back in use I was surprised to find some fresh fluid under that same tire. I thought it was a possible brake line problem and immediately took it in for repair as this seemed beyond my abilities.

It turned out that it was beyond me. The fluid was not brake fluid but from my rear end. Apparently the rear axle seal had developed a leak that traveled to the wheel. The worse news was that axle leak had saturated the brake which also needed to be replaced.

The good news of all of this is that the car is now mechanically ready to hit the road. The shop did a once over and everything appears to be in order. The only thing that I could kick myself over is that if I only knew the rear end was going to be worked on I would have considered it the perfect time to upgrade the gears. That’s one change I want to do but can’t seem to justify the expense on its own. Darn.

My major remaining task in getting the car ready for the trip to Carlisle is to integrate my iPod into my factory stereo w/CD. I figure I need that to keep me going on the 6 hour trip. I’m afraid an FM transmitter is just not going to be good enough. I want to do this of course without any non-reversible modifications such as wire splicing and so on. I think I’ve got some ideas on how to accomplish it


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