HP Laptop Replacement – Finally Coming

A long while ago, I posted about about display problems with my HP dv8000 laptop. At the time I was thinking about a replacement. Since that time, more and more vertical lines have appeared. So many so that I don’t notice when a new one appears. I estimate that there are well over 100.

HP dv8000 Vertical Lines

I have just been sticking it out hoping to get as much life as I can out of this machine. Despite some problems like this display one and overheating (which I spent four hours pulling it apart and cleaning the fan to solve) it has served me well.

Well, more than a year later, that replacement is actually going to happen. I decided to skip HP this time around and went with Lenovo. I generally keep my computers for a long time so I want something that will last the test of time. This will only be my fourth computer purchase since 1994! The dv8000 will be the first one that didn’t make it to six years before being replaced. It is 5 1/3 years old. Not too shabby.

I don’t do any PC gaming so I find that I am OK with something below the latest and greatest available. Although I am not suffering this time around and going with a 2nd generation Intel Core i5. Although, I’m moving down from a 17″  to a 15.6″ screen I am getting an overall higher resolution. It is absurd that most 15″ laptops come with 1366 x 768 screens. I had to upgrade from that.

Right off the bat, I’m planning to do a few upgrades on my own since buying something like memory is cheaper through amazon than through the manufacturer. I ordered direct and it just shipped today. I should have it by early next week.


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