Kleen Wheels loves your turbine wheels

At the latest show that I attended I happened to glance in the trunk of a fellow fox body owner. With the show being at Mustangs Unlimited it is not uncommon for attendees to use the trip to pick up some parts. Though, the parts purchase in this trunk caught my interest. The owner of this 1989 Mustang GT with really nice turbine wheels had purchased Kleen Wheels Dust Shields.

I was previously unfamiliar with the product but I understand how hard those turbine wheels are to keep nice. What struck me was the picture of the wheel on the package.

I wondered whether they would put the picture of the exact wheel each Kleen Wheels Dust Shield fit on every package or if this was the standard packaging regardless of wheel fitment.

Well, it turns out that Kleen Wheels does use the same packaging across their entire line of dust shields and they have settled on using an image of our favorite wheel to hate because of upkeep. I can imagine that there might be harder wheels to clean but this is a great choice for them.


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