Updates on Ford Mustang Data Decoding
During the recent site refresh, I took a look at which pages on this site get the most traffic. I wanted to make sure that I had all those top pages at the same addresses as they had been on the old site so I didn’t break any search results and hurt my search rankings.
I was somewhat surprised to see my VIN and VCL data decoders in the top hits. Despite my original plans, I haven’t changed them or added to them in over a decade. Yet, they are popular. This leads me to believe that there is a need for this type of capability.
That set me on my current project which is to resume work on them. I have data in my code database for which I never wrote decoders. I also have a bunch of other source material on codes for more recent models that I need to load into the database and build decoders for.
Since the refresh, I have made the following updates –
- I have made all of the existing decoders mobile-friendly. They were using a fixed table format in order to give an approximation of the label itself and also to provide the results in s structured format and these were not able to fit across a phone screen. All new decoders will use a simplified layout that works on all platforms
- I have made corrections to some of the data in the database which I found to be in error or missing
- I have added 1997, 1998 and 1999 VCL decoders. These are not perfect yet. In particular, the data I have for 1999 is somewhat lacking. Even so, I decided I’d make the decoders live even though they are missing a few codes
The decoders are available here.
If you want to help out on this project, I am always looking for data. I have found that the Ford Service DVDs are a good source for this. These are expensive to buy so I am always trying to find alternative sources for them. I am currently looking for 1994, 1995, 2004, 2008, 2009, 2014 and newer Ford Service DVDs.