The Search for Ice White Mustangs (and Mach-Es)
My last post on the Ice White mustang mentioned my venture down the Ice White rabbit hole. And, what a rabbit hole it has been.
In the two plus weeks since I started writing that article, I have gone deeper into the Ice White world looking for not only Mustangs but Mach-Es. And, not just looking at for sale listings but going deeper into finding reviews of the cars when they first came out which had hints on how to find more details on those cars.
Searching for sale listings has not been easy. There is no box to check for the Ice White appearance package. I am left with searching across all white 2022 and 2023 Mustangs and visually scanning the list for those with the correct appearance (mostly the wheels are the give away). My first post had 5 cars identified. I am now at 12 with another that I saw in a private for sale listing but it disappeared before I could ask the seller for more details such as the VIN. Unofficially, 13 cars have been identified.
In addition to the for sale listings, I also started to search YouTube for video reviews of these cars from when they first came out. Some of those reviewers were nice enough to show the window sticker either partially or in full in their reviews. My goal with each is to at least get the VIN as that is the key to taking my research further.
I have had to use some creativity when the videos didn’t show the window sticker in focus or not even at all. For example, there was one video with only a brief shot of the window sticker as the camera panned the interior.

Zoom and enhance. In a few frames I could make out the last six of the VIN in reverse at the top center of the sticker. 120984.

Being far enough along in my research, I had a sampling of VINs and could fill in most of the rest knowing this was a 2022 Mustang GT. I then could use the NHTSA VIN decoder to reverse engineer the correct check digit to get a valid VIN. Knowing that VIN, I then proceeded to locate the window sticker. I’ll have a future post on how I did that and was able to successfully locate most window stickers.
Some were a little more tricky and some even taunted me with a just out of focus window sticker such as with the car in a video seen in intro image to this article. That guy never got close enough to the sticker and no amount of zooming or enhancing could fill in the details that weren’t there. I was stuck until I saw six digits in the upper left of the rear window. Could it be? Yes, it was. 113142. 2022 Mustang GT. Boom.

And, here we are today with 12 cars definitely identified as having the Ice White Appearance Package. There is too little data to draw any conclusions but, as I get more, I’ll be keeping a close eye on the US/Canada split and also the distribution between GT an Ecoboost. I’ve compiled the details into a spreadsheet.
Ice White Mustang and Mach-E tracking
In the mean time, if you have any more details on any more of these cars that you’d like to share and to add to this list please let me know or comment below.