Author: John

Running gear

Training for my first marathon continues. So far, so good. I did 21 miles last Saturday and am now in the final “taper” period where mileage decreases for the next three weeks before the big event. Now with a 20+ mile run under by belt I feel that I...

Running long

I’m pretty passionate about the things I do. I don’t like to start something and not finish it. Or, more precisely, I don’t like to tell others about something I am doing and then not finish it. I’ve probably discussed a few of those here such as my quest...

1993 Feature Car Magazine Article Update

So as not to neglect the 1993 Feature Cars, I have just completed an update to the 1993 Feature Car Magazine page. Anton (cougster) was kind enough to provide some scans of some Mustang Times articles for which I did not have any or had very poor ones. Actually,...

1992 Feature Car Magazine Article Update

I get a lot of great stuff from you readers in my inbox; pictures, scans and tidbits of information. I really try to get to it all but sometimes things fall through the cracks. One such thing is an overdue update to the index of 1992 Feature car related...

Spotted: D.A.R.E. Fox Body Mustang

I’m always on the lookout for fox bodies. Sitings are getting fewer and farther between. Some of them make me circle back and take a closer look. This is about one of those cars. Recently, we were looking for a different place to have dinner and I remembered a...

Garage419: Full Carbon Fiber Ford GT? Ford SVT Headquarters Tour

Recently, one of my favorite web sites has become I find it an entertaining coverage of cars in general and a good way to unwind at the end of the day. An added bonus is that once in a while a story will include a fox body Mustang....

Personalized license plates

Some time ago, a discussion on personalized plates didn’t quite get off the ground in the forums. Personally, I wanted a personalized plate immediately after I got my feature car. Although, I was a little hesitant to get something too specific to my car. As unlikely as it seems...

On wrecked Triple Whites here and abroad

I received a registration for a 1993 triple white Mustang earlier this month from an email address in the Netherlands. It listed values for State as “other” as well as Country of “other.” I thought it was odd but I have received forms filled out like this in the...

N.Y. Times: No Mortgage Needed for These Beauties

A coworker pointed me to a recent New York Times article on low-cost collectible cars. In the article and related slide show two Mustangs are included: SVOs and Mustangs from the 1990’s. It’s right up our alley as our cars also fit nicely into this niche. N.Y. Times: No...

Carlisle 2008 All Ford Nationals Wrap-up

Overall, it was a great show and the weather was unbelievably hot but no rain. We had a mix of those who had told me they were joining us and a couple that we added to our group at the event. The attendees were as follows: Tim H. (from...