Category: Technology

Site refresh – May 2024

You may have noticed that the look of this site and some of the functionality has changed in the last couple of weeks. It is due to a process which I undertook to simplify the site and make it easier to maintain. This change occurred almost exactly 3 years...

TWF Site Upgrade

Over a year ago, I mentioned in my post entitled Putting the Pedal Down that I was working on an upgrade to the TWF site. Well, here it is over a year later and I am finally ready to implement the upgrade. TWF is getting a new look and...


On December 12, 2012, I stopped receiving mail sent to my email address at It was two days before I realized it. You see, I have it picked up by Gmail from the server so I can use Gmail for dealing with all of my email. I...

A couple behind-the-scenes Web site changes

Alas, it’s winter and the Mustang is in storage. While many of you work on your cars in preparation for the next show season, I work on this web site. In the last week I have performed a couple web site changes you probably would never notice but, I feel, are...

Two weeks without cable

Tomorrow marks two full weeks without cable TV. This is a status report of how it is going. Prime Time Viewing With the holidays here there are not a lot of new episodes of the shows that we like to watch. And, with time off from work, we have...

Cutting the cord

We have considered dropping cable at times over the last couple of years especially after we established a Netflix account last year at this time. The 11 days we spent without cable due to the October 2011 snow storm was pretty much enough to convince us that we could...

Migrating from Lotus Notes to Gmail

In a way it pains me to do this. This may seem like an anti-Lotus Notes thing but it is not. I think Lotus Notes is very valuable when used in the right situations. For a long, long time I have Lotus Notes as my email client. I never...

Finally a new laptop – Thinkpad T520

As I have previously mentioned, I finally pulled the trigger on a new laptop, the Lenovo Thinkpad T520. I wanted a solid and reliable laptop and the Lenovo T-series has offerred that for many years. It was tricky to time the purchase as Lenovo is constantly changing the configurations...

HP Laptop Replacement – Finally Coming

A long while ago, I posted about about display problems with my HP dv8000 laptop. At the time I was thinking about a replacement. Since that time, more and more vertical lines have appeared. So many so that I don’t notice when a new one appears. I estimate that...

Feature Mustang Registry Updates Underway

My last round of web site updates included changes to the 1992 and 1993 Feature Mustang registry forms. This changed it from simply emailing a submission to me to including  the submissions in a database. With the old email-based submission, I processed everything locally and uploaded a new web page...