Author: John

Looking back: my first Mustang

I have occasionally mentioned my first Mustang before on this site. It was a 1991 LX hatchback. It was the only car I really missed after I sold it. Actually, I haven’t owned that many cars. Besides the triple white fox and that ’91 LX, I have had a...

Build dates

Recently, when I had the back seat out of my car, as I had described in my previous entry, I also discovered something that made me think more about build dates. I don’t think I have ever discussed the topic on this site other than pointing out that they...

Found a build sheet in my car

Last fall when I was getting ready to put my car away for the winter I decided to fix a problem with my convertible top frame. Early last summer, the large pin at the major hinge of the frame popped out. It had happened several times before but that...

A Unique Holiday Gift

I almost forgot about this. I found these a while ago and it suddenly seems appropriate for the season. There is still time to get this before Christmas. Madd Maxx Car Art offers prints and t-shirts with a Mustang LX Convertible that can be viewed as a radical interpretation...

The Interest in Feature Cars is Alive and Well

All in the course of a few days, three things happened that made me feel real good about my Feature car. This is good because I have been thinking a lot lately about the 2005. The first thing that happened was that I got the January 2005 issue of...

Fall 2004 Show Pictures

I attended my second and last show of the year in September. It was another great day, weather-wise. Again in the all stock 79-93 class, I was lined up with a bunch of other white fox bodies. At the very end of the line was a yellow Feature car....

Back to Sleep for the White Fox

We had our first snowfall a little over a week ago. That means sand and salt on the roads so it was time to put the “White Fox” away for its winter rest. My car spend the winters in an unheated garage. The garage is attached and even on...

Reconsidering Insurance

Probably much like many feature car owners, I have come to the realization that the book value of my car is less than what it would cost to replace the car. That has moved me to reconsider my traditional auto insurance policy. The only option my current insurance provider has available is to...

Spring 2004 Show Pictures

The first show of the season was a success. I didn’t take home any trophies due to some stiff competition in my class (79-93, any body style, all stock). (Actually, I have never taken home a trophy) I did get to meet some new people. I met Kevin who...