Mini split in the cold

Nerding Out on HVAC

Trying to get through the winter doldrums, I’ve been nerding out on some HVAC data and analysis of said data. This is to see how well my heating solution is working and how warm it’s keeping the Mustangs.

Trying to get through the winter doldrums, I’ve been nerding out on some HVAC data and analysis of said data. This is to see how well my heating solution is working and how warm it’s keeping the Mustangs.

In my latest post on my garage, I dive deep into data I’ve been collecting about the performance of the mini-split I installed last fall.

Garage Phase 2 – HVAC Monitoring

And, don’t miss the first two parts – 

Garage Phase 2 Update Part 1

Garage Phase 2 Update Part 2 – Adding heat

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